Will we see a bounce back in HSE site safety inspections in 2022?
The Health and Safety Executive recently published its annual report for 2020-2021 which describes its operational activity over that period.
The HSE’s activities in 2020-2021 were, quite understandably, affected by the Coronavirus pandemic as it took on a role advising the government and in policing the coronavirus regulations.
How did Covid-19 impact the HSE?
The HSE also helped develop laboratory testing capability, providing scientific support and helping to ensure that PPE equipment was fit for purpose.
It also had to adapt to the UK leaving the EU, which required a number of regulatory regimes, such safety of chemicals, to be amended.
In addition, the HSE was given the role of Building Safety Regulator following the Hackett Review after the Grenfell Tower Fire. This will involve implementing a new regulatory regime for high-risk residential buildings.
How were inspections and investigations affected?
Even with the pandemic and these other activities to support, the HSE has continued to provide its normal inspections, investigations, and enforcement activities.
However, the level of activity was lower than in previous years. The number of prosecutions was also lower than before.
Will enforcement activity return to normal in 2022?
While the HSE may have been busy in 2020-2021 dealing with Coronavirus, Brexit and a new building safety regime, they still managed to carry out inspections and campaigns.
And as we go into 2022, we are likely to see the HSE carry out more of these core functions as things return to a more normal footing.
Aegis provides a comprehensive health and safety management service to help organisations identify and mitigate risks in the workplace. Contact our team to find out more about the ways we can support you in becoming a safer business.