The regular use of computer workstations and other types of Display Screen Equipment (DSE) is often associated with health problems such as neck, shoulder, back and arm pain, as well as fatigue and eyestrain.

A row of computers on a desk

The Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992 were established to protect the health of people who work with DSE. They require Display Screen Equipment Assessments to be carried out for all users, to ensure workstations are set up correctly and procedures are in place to prevent potential health conditions and discomfort.

This includes identifying the types of display screen equipment in use, providing relevant display screen equipment training to all users, making sure requirements are met and adjustments are made for individuals where necessary.

Aegis has a team of qualified staff who are experienced in carrying out Display Screen Equipment Assessments to ensure that employees can work in a comfortable, safe and productive manner.

For more information on Display Screen Equipment Assessments and how Aegis can support you in establishing a safe working environment for employees, get in touch with our team.