Ramadan in the workplace – providing support for employees
During Ramadan, employees of Islamic faith may fast during daylight hours, meaning employers should put arrangements in place to support staff and ensure their safety in the workplace during the month-long event.
What is Ramadan?
One of the five pillars of the Islam faith is fasting during the holy period of Ramadan, which is expected to take place between March 22 and April 21 this year, marking the ninth month in the Islamic lunar calendar. Millions of Muslims in the UK and around the world celebrate.
During Ramadan, those observing will abstain from eating and drinking, including water, during daylight hours. The fast is broken as sunset with a meal known as Iftar.
There are potential health and safety risks from the effects of fasting, including lack of concentration and fatigue, so it’s important for employers to be aware of how they can support employees during Ramadan in the workplace – as well as considering and accommodating other aspects, such as flexible working and making time for prayers.
Supporting employees during Ramadan
Employers must meet the health and safety needs of their employees at all times, which means being in a position to adapt and make necessary adjustments during periods when staff may need additional support too.
During Ramadan, employers can support observing staff by undertaking several steps, including:
• Carrying out a risk assessment and addressing any potential issues
• Plan work activities to best accommodate fasting employees
• Increase awareness of the warning signs of fatigue and dehydration
• Encourage employees to take breaks if they are fatigued
• Ensure adequate supervision is in place and try to avoid lone working where possible
• Ensure suitable first aid arrangements are in place
For more information on putting arrangements in place to support your employees’ health and safety needs, contact the Aegis team today to discuss.