workplace stress RIDDOR

Is work-related stress RIDDOR reportable?

The Health and Safety Executive has confirmed that work-related stress is not reportable under the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 (RIDDOR).

They state that work-related stress is non-reportable under RIDDOR even when there is a medical certificate diagnosing that it is work-related.

Why isn’t it reportable under RIDDOR?

Put simply, this is because stress-related ill health is a complex issue and it’s very difficult to link stress-related health conditions to specific types of work activity.

To cause RIDDOR’s over-seven-day absence from work accident category to be triggered, the lost time needs to be caused by an ‘accident’ which, under the Regulations, is a single definable event causing physical injury.

Mental health conditions are not listed under the schedule for reportable occupational diseases.

What does this mean for employers?

Just because workplace stress is not reportable under RIDDOR, does not mean employers can take it lightly.

Employees, unions and other concerned parties can still report concerns about poor management of work-related stress by employers.

HSE has previously issued enforcement notices on organisations for failing to assess the risk of work-related stress to employees and failing to manage health risks.

It states that “enforcement action may be taken if there is clear evidence of a breach of health and safety law, and a demonstrable risk to the health and safety of employees”.