Guidance on fire safety in small premises

Three new fire safety guides have been published by the government aimed at owners or those responsible for small premises.

The guides are intended to support the application of the Fire safety (England) Regulations 2022 that came into effect in late January 2023, and the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005.

Where can I find the guides?

The link to all three can be found below.

What are the intentions of the guides?

The guides are intended to help responsible persons or those with duties under fire safety legislation to understand what is needed to comply with the law, carry out and review a fire risk assessment, and identify the general fire precautions that are required to be put in place and maintained.

What do the new guides cover?

  • Making a small block of flats safe from fire.

This section provides practical advice to assist with fire safety in common parts of blocks of flats, the building’s structure, external walls and the doors between flats and common parts that are limited to three storeys.

  • Making a small guest paying accommodation safe from fire.

Includes simple layouts for guest sleeping accommodation for short-term lets.

  • Making a small non-domestic premises safe from fire.

Which provides simple layouts for premises with low fire risk, limited fire hazards and a small number of employees, customers, and visitors.

Who is the responsible person?

A responsible person is someone who has the responsibility for the safety of themselves and others within a regulated premises. This could be the owner of the building, or any person who is in control of the premises.

It’s crucial for fire safety regulations to be adhered to which ensures everybody is kept safe. For more guidance, contact our team of experts today.