Decrease in number of people killed at work, reveals HSE annual statistics report
The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has released a summary of statistics relating to health and safety at work in the UK for 2021-2022.
The HSE annual statistics show that 123 workers were killed at work in 2021-2022, a figure which decreased from 142 the previous year. Around a quarter of these deaths were workers aged 60 and over.
The main causes of fatal accidents were falls from height, which accounted for 24% of all workplace deaths during the period, along with being struck by a moving vehicle and being struck by a moving object. Contact with moving machinery and being trapped by something collapsing or overturning were also among the causes.
Fatal injuries included in the HSE’s report do not include those as a result of diseases, including COVID-19, as for many occupational diseases, death occurs years after initial exposure to the cause of the disease.
The industry sectors where most fatalities happened were construction with 30, and agriculture, forestry and fishing and manufacturing, both of which reported 22.
The report also reveals that 80 members of the public were killed due to work-related activities.
Fatal injuries in the workplace are rare but many incidents could often have been prevented, so it’s crucial for organisations to stay on top of health and safety requirements in order to protect and keep their employees safe.
Aegis provides a comprehensive health and safety management service to help organisations identify and mitigate risks in the workplace. Contact our team to find out more about the ways we can support you in becoming a safer business.