Latest statistics from HSE and Fire and Rescue Services

The HSE published its latest statistics at the end of last year, which revealed that:

  • 142 people were killed at work in 2014-15 (an increase from the 2013-14 figure of 136 fatalities)
  • 611,000 people were injured in the workplace – 76,000 of which were due to injuries reportable under the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 (RIDDOR)
  • 27,300,000 working days were lost due to work-related ill health or injury in 2014-15
  • £14.3 billion was the collective cost to the UK economy of work-related illness and injury

The numbers are certainly sobering, although it’s important to note that the UK is still one of the world’s safest countries in which to work. The HSE is continuing to identify and target those employers who don’t provide a safe and healthy workplace and in 2014-15 it issued 12,430 enforcement notices and prosecuted 728 cases.

There were more positive statistics from the Fire and Rescue Services (FRS), which indicate that fire deaths are at an all-time low. In 2014-15 there were 258 fire deaths, the lowest number ever recorded. This represents a 6 per cent reduction on the the previous year and 30 per cent fewer than in 2004-05.

The reduction in injuries was even more dramatic with 3,235 requiring hospital treatment – a reduction of 55 per cent over 12 months.

The improvements in numbers killed and injured have been attributed to the success of health and safety campaigns related to smoke alarms, fire safety visits and fire-safe smoking.

The FRS statistics also show that 44 per cent of incidents attended were false alarms, most frequently caused by faulty equipment, and many FRS are now charging for attendance at repeated false alarms. The advice from Aegis is to ensure your alarm is serviced regularly. The current British Standard states most systems should be tested at intervals of no greater than 6 months.

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