Health and Safety Executive Charging Scheme Delayed

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has announced that the implementation of its cost recovery scheme, Fee For Intervention (FFI), planned to start in April 2012, will now be delayed until the end of the year.

The scheme sets out to recover costs from those who break health and safety laws for the time and resource that the HSE expends in helping to put matters right, investigating and taking enforcement action.

The Government has agreed that it is right that those who break the law should pay their fair share of the costs to put things right – and not the public purse.

Law-abiding businesses and organisations that comply with health and safety legislation will be free from costs and will not pay a penny.

The HSE is using the extra time to ensure that businesses understand FFI and how it might affect them. The HSE will publish detailed guidance prior to implementation of the scheme.

Businesses needing support to develop a safety focused environment can use the services of a Third Party Site Safety Inspector to identify potential infringements independently from the HSE.

Aegis has staff competent to conduct Site Safety Inspections, complete with full written reports and recommendations. Aegis’ experienced personnel include a former HSE Principal Inspector.