Are you displaying the correct Health and Safety at Work poster?
Have you checked that you are displaying the correct version of the health and safety law poster?
Employers have a legal duty under the Health and Safety Information for Employees Regulations (HSIER) to display the approved poster in a prominent position in each workplace or to provide each worker with a copy of the approved leaflet or handy pocket card, both of which outline health and safety law in the UK.
The leaflet and pocket card are available to download free or buy from the HSE. The availability of a range of formats is part of the HSE’s commitment to make health and safety information more accessible.
The 2009 poster replaces the version which was published in April 1999. Research showed that the 1999 version was visually unappealing and rarely read, so it was redesigned to be more readable and engaging.
The 2009 poster and leaflet also reflect changes in the law to reduce the administrative cost to employers of having to provide additional written information on the poster or with the leaflet, and having to keep this information up to date.