Aegis announces new Ska Rating assessment service

Aegis is pleased to announce a new service – Ska Rating assessment. Operated by the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS), Ska Rating is an environmental assessment method, benchmark and standard for sustainable non-domestic fit-outs and refurbishments. You can now commission a quality-assured assessment and certificate from one of Aegis’ RICS-accredited Ska assessors.


Recently featured in the UK Government’s Low Carbon Action Plan and in the context of the growing importance of sustainability on the corporate agenda, Ska Rating helps organisations to make informed decisions about fit-out projects.

It is designed to be of particular use for occupiers but has benefits for other property stakeholders, including landlords, developers, consultants, fit-out contractors and members of the supply chain.

Ska Rating will enable landlords and tenants to measure 100% of the environmental performance of a fit-out or refurbishment against a set of sustainability good practice criteria.

Assessments can be carried out at three stages: design, handover and occupancy. They can be conducted informally or alternatively achieve formal certification using an RICS Ska Rating Accredited Assessor. Aegis can provide an accredited assessor.

Adam Kaley, commercial director, commented: “Clients frequently ask us how they can make their design, specification, procurement and construction practices more environmentally sustainable, so we are pleased to add this new service to our expanding portfolio.

“Clients will now be able to demonstrate they have achieved a more sustainable fit-out through a Ska Rating certificated assessment by our accredited assessors.”

More information about the Ska Rating assessment service